Best my honeysuckle has been and with lockdown am enjoying looking and smelling it. Natures way of compensating and cheering you up.
Neighbourhood loop for Hanworth, Greater London
Open Loop 9
Rubbish disposal service...licensed by waste authority
Polite rubbish disposal service
Licensed by waste authority
Household and garden
Helpfull driver
Please call for further information
07960453540 -
Well just experiencing two weeks in Poland, must say that its a beautifull country . We are in the mountains at the Krakow end of Poland and the scenery is stunning. Krakow is a lovely city , with some magnificent buildings and churches . The main square is magnificent. ( some very sad history with the ghettos and the holocaust)
Have spent the time walking miles in the amazing mountains. Well worth a vist. Salt mines are incredible and the scale of them is mind boggling now . Apparently salt provided the wealth to Poland , but is no longer mined. Off to visit Aushwitz tomorrow , with a heavy heart , but feel must pay my respects , for those treated so appallingly.
Cant speak for the rest of Poland, but beautiful huge houses, lush, countryside, absolutely no rubbish, fantastic roads and almost no graffitti . At the moment also extremely cheap to eat out or buy food. Parking and things to do cost hardly anything ,Not a shopping trolley in sight.!! thoroughly recommend.This discussion is now closed.
Am I the only one baffled by this. we are constantly told anout austerity , etc, and the huge debts we owe wold wide. Yet every day I see £8 billion , pledged to this, £50 million to that etc etc.
Where does all this money come from , basic money lessons I was taught , you cant spend what you havent got, when its gone its gone, never a lender or a borrower be. I am sure you can come up with many more. But if we havent got money , how can we plege all this money . And if they have , and its all paid there by us, why dont we ever get some sort of say in the waste of it. Wouldnt like my accounts run by any of them .
Or am I missing something here . -
We have a pond full of Koi fish . Surrounding it is a wrought iron fence, to stop kids from falling in. THEN we had to add mesh to stop a heron from putting his head through, leaving a tiny gap so that any birds who got in ro drink could get out . THEN We had to pit up ornamental chains across top to keep heron from jumping over, Then we had to put mesh as heron decided he could jumpdown through chains. THEN Last night looked out the window and a b*****. t is inside after fish. Anybody got a gun lol .Dont even know whos cat it is ,
JOIN The GROUP that just CHATS ( MSL)
In the MSL group ( formally my streetlink / life) we are just a collection of 'friends' that just like to chat, muse, share a joke, post a funny picture, share our woes, ask advice, play games, well almost anything that pops into your head, We were strangers that became 'friends' . We are a friendly lot , but would LOVE others to join to swell our ranks.
If thats your thing , then just join , and like the rest of us probably wont leave. COME ON IN . -
Just curious.
Have seen a business section, and have looked at it, but cannot find anything on the site that shows you how you add yourself to it.
Even asked the web , but although it says how great it is etc it just reverts you back to the page.
It may be just me being stupid, so if anyone knows? -
I can understand the obvious catagories and the speech bubble and thumbs up , but what do the up and down arrows signify please.
Our beloved Russian Horsefield tortoise, Barney, went missing on 31st January 2018 from Exeter Road, Hanworth, Middlesex (TW13 5NY)