Posts from West Hampstead
Wimbledon ParkHello, I'd like to try a slow cooker to see if it makes my life easier but don't want to buy a new one in case I don't get on with it and it just s...
Trent ParkI have male grandchildren aged 8 and 6. They have an abundance of Lego and I thought that they might like to graduate to Meccano. Does anyone have ...
BatterseaHi! We're currently looking at primary schools for our little one. Chesterton Primary is winning in our eyes at the moment. It is reasonably close ...
BalhamHi all. Trying to get organised and secure a nursery place for my little one early. Can anyone recommend any good ones in the area? I can travel to...
Capel ManorWell a good day was had by all at Enfield RoadWatch, who are raising awareness of the threats to Green Belt land in not only Enfield but London as ...
Upper TootingAs we are selling our daughter's 16 inch bike (please see post in Classifieds), we are in the market for a 20 inch one. Our daughter is out of the ...
Wimbledon ParkCharity Fancy Dress Hack (Edited)
Date: 22.10.2017. Time: 09:30
Location: Wimbledon Village High Street
Sponsored fancy dress ride in aid of The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Come and see the Wimbledon Village Stable Riders looking silly in fancy dress! -
WoodfordNothing major but lots of little bits need doing in my flat. Winter is on it's way, best to get sorted now me thinks. Thank you.
EarlsfieldI felt compelled to write a review as we just had such a lovely trip to this museum. They are running a Michael Morpurgo exhibition at the moment s...