Posts from West Ealing
Woodside Parkthank you to all our wonderful supporters who last month donated £321 towards helping Beatrice in her never ending mission to rescue cats in need i...
ClaphamHe's been there for decades and finally decided times up. The quest for local fish & chips, curry sauce will have to expand a little further afield.
Upper TootingMy elderly neighbour is looking for a gardener to tidy up the back and front garden. There isn’t too much grass to cut. Garden needs tidying up due...
Upper TootingI have inherited a quantity of crotchet cottons and wonder if anyone knows of a school or college that would be able to make use of them for their ...
Beddington CornerDoes anyone know if there are any community gardens around that I can get involved in? I live in a flat and miss getting my hands dirty. I'd love a...
BatterseaHullo everyone I'm wondering if anyone's interested in a guided walk on Sunday 24th from Wandsworth Common station to Richmond on the Capital Ring...
TwickenhamWe are looking forward to making new members welcome Community Choirs are for everybody - experienced or totally inexperienced
CheshamOur drive needs resurfacing. Any recommendations on the best surface, please - Tarmac, resin, blocks? And any recommendations for reliable firms to...