Posts from Bristol
Bristol"A huge undertaking: Bristol zoo faces challenge of rehoming 25,000 animals"
Date: 26.06.2021. Time: 14:00
Location: Lakota Bristol
The Saturday of the festival will focus on House, Disco, Techno, but also feature a Garage, UK Funky & Dancehall stage. The Sunday of the festival... -
Date: 03.09.2020. Time: 18:00
Location: The Matthew of Bristol
Enjoy a relaxing cruise on the Matthew as she sails around Bristol's historic harbour. Fresh fish and chips are delivered to you on deck as you moo... -
Date: 15.08.2020. Time: 11:00
Location: zoom
Join our wonderful community of groovers in this awarded new program. GroovyGlutes is a fun new workout for the glutes (aka the bum!). We use feel-... -
Date: 06.06.2020. Time: 20:00
Location: online
Streaming live from Bristol via The Bristol Improv Theatre Twitch channel, Up The Antics present The Antics Home Show, their new magazine show feat... -
Date: 14.04.2020. Time: 08:00
Location: Online at Andrew Brownsword Gallery
The Edge and University of Bath value the importance of creativity and know the impact it can have on wellbeing in times like these. They are pleas...