Posts from Boston Manor
Iver HeathThe Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit of Hampshire Constabulary and Thames Valley Police are supporting the National Police Chiefs Council Speed...
Iver HeathToday I decided that as the weather was warm and sunny, I might as well eat out for breakfast. I took myself off to "The Crew Room" at Denham Airfi...
Date: 17.07.2021. Time: 18:00
Location: Whitechapel Gallery
For one night only, Whitechapel Gallery and nearby historic, outdoor and unusual spaces in East London are transformed by installations, films, liv... -
Date: 16.07.2021. Time: 17:00
Location: Tate Modern
For those who have not been vaccinated yet - mass vaccination event on Friday 16 July, 5pm to 9pm, at the Tate Modern. Tickets at the door only. h... -
Iver HeathWe are excited to tell you more about our SLING YOUR HOOK campaign running throughout July to help tackle scams WHY ‘SLING YOUR HOOK’? The campaig...
Iver HeathRed Arrows will be coming this way tonight for the Wembley flypast. RAF sticklers for being on time. Keep your eyes open! West of Henley-on-Thame...
CamberwellTime for another visit to Ruskin Park #brixton #camberwell and some random beautiful flowers.