Posts from Bedford Park
Date: 31.05.2021. Time: 19:00
Location: 100 Club
The 100 Club Comedy Festival featuring: Phil Wang Ahir Shah Ed Gamble Simon Brodkin Flo & Joan Iain Stirling This is a reduced capacity seated gi... -
Mill Hill East
Date: 28.05.2021. Time: 18:00
Location: Alexandra Palace
Long bank holiday weekend of big laughs, larks and good times on the Palace’s terrace. Featuring a smorgasbord of top-flight comedy talent performi... -
StockwellApplications are now live to take part in this year’s Virtual Lambeth Country Show. Lambeth are looking for individuals and organisations to get in...
Herne Hill
Date: 12.04.2021. Time: 09:00
Location: clapham north art centre
Our award-winning Spanish courses follow a communicative approach to the language. In a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, you will feel encouraged... -
Beddington CornerCan anyone recommend an online exercise platform to use please? Ideally something not too strenuous or time consuming. I have had a look on youtube...
StockwellWow, nice! Swimming there will be like flying!
Upper Tooting
Date: 28.04.2021. Time: 20:00
Location: online
The next meeting of the Small Business Network, Tooting Bec is tonight, 28th April at 8pm online and free. We will share our latest wins, challeng... -
Wimbledon Park
Date: 01.05.2021. Time: 13:00
Location: Online
These sessions improve young peoples' wellbeing and mood through games, drama & storytelling activities which build confidence, support self-expres... -
Woodside ParkOur website now has a topical news feed : Rather than me bombarding people with articles, just have a browse here when...