Ochu Hub Business Breakfast Seminar
Date: 05.02.2020. Time: 09:00
Location: The Lost Hour, 217 - 219 Greenwich High Rd, London
Ochu Group Ltd is a Business Mangement Consultancy Company that provides logistic tools to organisations, that will enable them to apply a professional approach towards the reviewing of procurement expenditure that will in-turn result in the implementation of major cost reduction. Through our unique provisions of;
1. Revival Strategies tailored for businesses
2. Inspirational sessions geared at identifying our client's passion and helping them turn it
into a profitable business
3. Linking businesses to collaborate, partner, etc by providing the right documents and
advice required to help avoid any future problems and we have gone further to provide
a networking forum (Ochu Hub, Business Breakfast Seminar) for every 1st Wednesday
of the Month, 9 am to 12 noon at The Lost Hour, 217-219 Greenwich High Road, London
SE10 8NB, where businesses can come to share ideas.
Ochu Hub Business Breakfast Seminar
Date: 05.02.2020. Time: 09:00
Location: The Lost Hour, 217 - 219 Greenwich High Rd, London