• Krista L @KristaLonsdale East Barnet - updated 5y

    you are invited to a Facebook Eco-page too.

    You are all cordially invited to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/ecoandethical/ if you `do` Facebook. It`s just another way of looking at the same problems I`m sure you`re all talking about here. There`s bound to be some overlap;but it`s an issue you can never `bee` too informed about. It`s us we`re saving and other life on Earth-the planet will go on despite us and after us.

Save The Planet

This planet is dying and we are all acting too slowly. Thoughts, debates & suggestions on how we can act FAST and attempt to save the planet. No business posts or posts unrelated to saving the planet will be accepted and posters will be removed from the loop.