World Bee Day
beekeeping, was born in 1734.
The purpose of the international day is to acknowledge the role of bees and other
pollinators for the ecosystem. So why are bees so important?
In order to be able to feed the world’s growing population, we need ever more food,
which must be diverse, balanced and of good quality to ensure the progress and
well-being of humankind.
Bees are renowned for their role in providing high-quality food (honey, royal jelly
and pollen) and other products used in healthcare and other sectors (beeswax,
propolis, honey bee venom). But the work of bees entails much more!
The greatest contribution of bees and other pollinators is the pollination of nearly
three quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the world’s food. A third of the
world’s food production depends on bees, i.e. every third spoonful of food depends
on pollination.
Every individual can contribute to the preservation of bees and other pollinators:
🐝 Plant nectar-bearing flowers for decorative purposes on balconies, terraces,
and gardens.
🐝 Buy honey and other hive products from your nearest local beekeeper.
🐝 Raise awareness among children and adolescents on the importance of bees
and express your support for beekeepers.
🐝 Set up a pollinator farm on your balcony, terrace, or garden; you can either
make it yourself or buy at any home furnishings store.
🐝 Preserve old meadows – which feature a more diverse array of flowers –
and sow nectar-bearing plants.
🐝 Cut grass on meadows only after the nectar-bearing plants have finished
🐝 Offer suitable farming locations for the temporary or permanent settlement
of bees so that they have suitable pasture; as a consequence, they will
pollinate our plants, which will thereby bear more fruit.
🐝 Use pesticides that do not harm bees, and spray them in windless
weather, either early in the morning or late at night, when bees withdraw
from blossoms.