Words quiz
REMEMBER - NO POSTS instead you PM me with your guesses any time up to midnight tonight. If possible, please wait until you've completed all the guesses you want to make to avoid too many PMs and to make my job easier. So no hurry and it doesn't matter when you submit the answers because I'll be judging them solely on who has the most correct - and in the event of two or more being level it will be a tie. I hope this is clear and good luck. Tomorrow I’ll post the names of the top entries.
1.Ends in GRY angry | hungry
2.Five letters, has 3 R's error | rarer
3.Is an animal, singular is the same as the plural buffalo | deer | fish | moose | sheep | ......
4.Four letters, starts with Z, ends with Y zany
5.Ends in AZ topaz | pizzaz | shiraz
6.Five letters, ends in EFT cleft | theft
7.Five letters, contains ZZ, isn't PIZZA dizzy | fizzy | jazzy | whizz | ......
8.Seven letters, starts with KEY keycard | keyhole | keynote | keyword | ......
9.Starts with WH, ends in F wharf | whiff | whereof
10.Seven letters, starts with O, ends with F oneself | ourself
11.Seven letters, starts with LEO leopard | leonine | leotard
12.Four letters, starts and ends with E ease | eave | edge | else | epee | ......
13.Five letters, starts with Q, ends with K quack | quark | quick | quirk
14.Five letters, starts with FJ fjord
15.Ends with LFTH twelfth
16.Four letters, is a palindrome deed | kook | noon | peep | sees | toot | ......
17.Six letters, starts with C, ends with W callow | cashew | curfew | curlew
18.Ends in AMT dreamt
19.Contains MBSTR dumbstruck
20.Contains CKKN jackknife | knickknack