• James C @SuperFunGuy Mod Leaves Green - updated 22d

    What was the date sudden death quiz

    Below is a list of 24 world events from the last 150 years. What you have to do is guess in which year each of them occurred (your guess will count if it comes within 10 years of the event - that is plus or minus 5 years) – so you have to provide a list in one post naming the year against the event (just the number of the event will do). BUT ensure that you start with those you are certain are correct and leave any less certain answers to the end because the winner will be the answer whose list contains the most correct names until an incorrect one appears (or whose list contains all 24 correct answers of course). I hope this is clear but do let me know if you are uncertain.

    1.The Tsar of Russia is deposed

    2.Windows 1.0 is released

    3.The Wright Brothers' first flight

    4.The first year of the Baby Boom in the U.S. and Europe

    5.Ayatollah Khomeini takes charge in Iran

    6.Spanish Flu pandemic begins

    7."Space Invaders" debuts in arcades

    8.First cartoon featuring Mickey Mouse

    9.Disneyland opens in Anaheim, CA

    10.Toyota releases the Prius, the first hybrid car

    11.Michael Jackson born

    12.Chicken McNuggets introduced

    13.The first Rock and Roll concert

    14.Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach the summit of Mount Everest

    15.Volkswagen founded

    16.Algeria becomes independent from France

    17.Newspapers report that a "flying saucer" has been captured near Roswell, NM

    18.Panama Canal opens

    19.The bikini is invented by French designer Louis Réard

    20.Christian Barnard performs the first successful heart transplant

    21.Roger Bannister runs a mile in less than 4 minutes

    22.Ned Kelly is hanged in Melbourne, Australia

    23.Lizzie Borden was accused of murdering her parents in Massachusetts

    24.Hillary Clinton elected to Congress as the Senator for New York

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