• Robert G @RobertG Battersea - 4y

    Weekend Brunch Treats - Scotch Egg

    The Ben's Canteen recipe changed over the years, the first version was probably the best but complicated and in time it got simplified to this still absolutely delicious treat.

    Sausage Mix – make 5 Scotch Eggs
    500g Sausage Meat
    100g Streaky Bacon finely chopped
    100g Black Pudding chopped small
    10g finely chopped Chives
    10g blitzed Dried Mushrooms
    10g Mushroom Ketchup
    Egg & Flour
    1 Soft Boiled Egg
    200g Panko Bread Crumbs
    100g Flour

    Mix all of the Sausage Mix ingredients together in a bowl. Take 140g of the Mix and shape around a Soft Boiled Egg – FYI, when you’ve finished soft boiling the Egg, put it in iced water, this stops it cooking and is the key to that magic moment when you cut into your Scotch Egg and the yolk is still runny.

    Dip your Sausage encased Egg into an Egg, then Flour and then Breadcrumbs. At the Canteen it was then deep fried for around 8 minutes but at home you’re probably better off popping them in the oven at 180 for at least twenty mins.

    Also, if you have any of the Sausage Meat Mix left over then shape it into a burger patty and fry and then you’ll have the ingredient for the most amazing Breakfast Bap.

    The Scotch Egg (or Bap) is delicious with a Bloody Mary. To get a bottle of Bloody Bens Mix go to: https://shop.bloodybens.com/collections/our-products


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