• Dmitriy @Dmitriy Earlsfield - updated 5y

    We are doomed...

    Having read an article on BBC ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47320673 ) about a new great idea to cut UK emissions. Just wondering where are those "geniuses" who suggest new laws come from? So, photovoltaic revolution had come to zilch, wind farms are too noisy and ugly, nuclear power is dirty and dangerous, coal power is dirty, rubbish burning is dirty... AHA!!! Let's make all new houses use ELECTRICITY to cut emissions!!! Now, where did these imbeciles have found natural deposits of electricity? Ah, sorry, I forgot! Everything is full of electrons, let's just plug wires into the ground and they (electrons) would run up to our homes to power our gadgets.


Neighbourhood loop for Earlsfield, Greater London