• Anonymous @Anonymous Earlsfield - 4y

    Virtual Learning in January

    Join us and Learn
    During this Pandemic many people have experienced some sort of emotional upheaval even trauma. Would you like to learn a technique that could help you manage these feelings?
    Would you like to learn a technique to add to your skills that could help your clients manage their feelings as we come to the end of these times?
    Would you like to become a person who wants to change direction as a result of this virus and learn this Am-az-ing technique to help people you know and even those you don’t come out the other side of this pandemic?
    At EFT Works we are committed to teaching you this wonderful skill. At Level 1 it’s just the beginning of your journey so join us on the 22 January 2021 to being learning the art of EFT


Neighbourhood loop for Earlsfield, Greater London