• TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4mo

    UN warning of 3.1C global warming

    This should not be a surprise to anyone. There have been warnings for decades and, despite a lot of talk, very little has been done to improve things. There have been moves towards renewable energy and some remarkable tree planting projects, but they have been undermined by increased energy demands, including from more travel, larger and heavier cars, more cruises, more flights and increased deforestation, both in rainforests and nearer to home.

    It hasn't been helped by the disinformation campaign by fossil fuel companies to convince the gullible that global warming / climate change / chaos is a hoax and lobbying governments not to implement policies that would harm fossil fuel businesses. And there are still people who say it is all a hoax, either because they are not capable of rational thought or they have a vested interest in profiting from fossil fuels.

    As is stated in the article, some of the additional demand for electricity is being met by burning fossil fuels. If the problem was too expensive to do anything about when David Cameron said we needed to "cut the green crap" in 2013, it is more expensive now and solutions will become increasingly expensive in the future because the situation is getting worse.


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