Business Post

  • Arbico Computers Ltd Abbey Wood - 4y

    The Evolution of Boxing Games

    Gaming players today can find many types of boxing matches available, but can you imagine a time when these games were in short supply? While martial arts have been around since the earliest days of video games, boxing games have at times been of some sort. Apparently the first of those games was Boxing just called Activision, which was released in 1980 with the Atari 2600 sports program. Boxing shows a tiny little ring look and a very simple game. Getting a punch will get one or two points, with close fists measured above the long-range punches. The first player to score 100 points, or whoever has the most points after 2 minutes up, is the winner. Boxing consisted of only one opponent and one "level", and we lacked many of the popular game techniques common today. Read more... #boxgame #gamingbox