• PeterJ @PeterJ Slough - 5y

    Event: Tales of the Engine Sheds – Ken Norris (Illustrated Talk)

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 11.10.2019. Start Time: 19:30

    End Date: 11.10.2019. End Time: 22:00

    Location: The Manor, Slough Railway Station, , Brunel Way

    In the days of steam traction, engine sheds were a hive of activity throughout the day and night, with locomotives returning for coal, water, and essential cleaning and maintenance. Ken Norris will be telling us about those times.

    The title view shows Stewart's Lane locomotive shed (Battersea, south London), around 1962, as the end of steam was approaching.

    All are welcome.
    See you there!

    SWRS members please note that the discretionary parking arrangements at The Manor have now been restored. Please contact a Committee member for details (The website will be updated with further information in due course.)

    Please see website (www.swrs.co.uk) for location and further information, including parking charges at the station car park.
    Remember that The Manor is easy to reach by train or bus, and is but a short walk from the town centre car parks.


Neighbourhood loop for Burnham, Buckinghamshire