• beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - updated 4y


    With ongoing screen stalking around me I also have had the pleasure of street stalking. Two different cars and female drivers on two different days were seen parked opposite my house offering unnecessary nasty looks and checking out the car I was going to. Registration numbers were taken and reported.
    The neighbours have been asked to make notes and take pictures of any more. The police takes very seriously such matters and to my surprise also screen stalking.
    What next?
    Is someone after abusing my cats, my property or me?
    More security cameras must be fitted not to let the culprits get away with such invasion of privacy as my address was recently acquired by people who were desperate to find it.
    The police want reports of any new developments.
    I would rather spend my money on helping cats in need than on having to add more security to the house!
    I also prefer to spend all my time helping cats than dealing with rif raf people with no understanding of kindness and doing one’s best for all pets and people.

East Barnet

Neighbourhood loop for East Barnet, Greater London