Event: Sprout's Community Art Loan event
Start Date: 30.07.2021. Start Time: 11:00
End Date: 31.07.2021. End Time: 17:00
Location: Sprout, 74 Moyser Road
The idea behind our ArtLoans initiative is simple, people who are members of Sprout will be able to borrow an original work of art for four months and pay nothing, the artwork would then be available to someone else or could be bought. The hope is that people, who may never have had original artwork in their homes, will realise how wonderful it is and go on to become art enthusiasts and encourage their friends and neighbours too - it also helps promote the work of local artists.
This Art Loan event will be at Sprout gallery on Moyser Road SW16 from Wednesday 28 to Saturday 31 July when all the available work - over 70 pieces by 30 different artists - will be on display and can be loaned, as long as you are a member, and membership only costs £10 and can be taken out at the event.
Please pop in and view the artworks or visit our website to find out move www.sproutartloans.com