• Laura @Laura10 Leatherhead - 7y

    Slipper Camps - Ladies Retreats

    Slipper Camps - Ladies Retreats offer a unique experience for ladies of any age, wishing to have a few days away, staying in a lovely boutique hotel in Tenterden in Kent, 4-nights, full board, together with a schedule of activities including creative and fun workshops and presentations, visits to places of interest, walks in the Kent countryside and social activities in the evenings and the opportunity to make new friends. Ladies will have their own ensuite bedroom, excellent food (full-board) prepared from local produce by the chef, together with shared experiences and laughter with like-minded ladies. Perfect for women on their own or those in need of an escape from everyday life.

    Special-offer price £595 for Monday 9th April to Friday 13th April. Please see website for all the details. www.slippercamps.co.uk


Neighbourhood loop for Leatherhead, Surrey