• Fay G @FayG Fulwood - 5y

    Event: Sheffield Artist's Book Fair

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 05.10.2019. Start Time: 10:30

    End Date: 05.10.2019. End Time: 16:30

    Location: Sheffield

    This inaugural event promises to be one of the largest showcases of Artist’s Books ever seen in Sheffield. Over 50 artist bookmakers and small presses from all over the UK and overseas including local makers will be exhibiting their work in the exhibition spaces of Kommune and Kurious Arts at the newly refurbished Castle House. Come and browse the innovative books on show with a fantastic range to suit all pockets including beautiful limited editions.

    With the kind support of Kollider

    Tickets: Free, no need to book

    Angel Street
    S3 8LS


Neighbourhood loop for Fulwood, South Yorkshire

Loop Photos