• Curtis @Curtis Kingston Upon Thames - 4y

    Event: Richmond Walk: Rock, Royalty and Revolutionaries

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 24.10.2020. Start Time: 11:00

    Location: Richmond Station

    On this 2-hour tour walking tour of leafy Richmond you'll visit a famous venue for rock 'n' roll, a much-loved theatre and a Tudor palace. You'll meet a prisoner of the American Revolutionary War, a revolutionary Chilean, an award-winning actress and enjoy one of the best views in London.
    Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/richmond-walk-rock-royalty-and-revolutionaries-tickets-121514375769?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1

Kingston Upon Thames

Neighbourhood loop for Kingston Upon Thames, Greater London