• Sunny @Sunny Birmingham - 6y

    Event: Phabgirls VJ &Miller Virtual 5k

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 28.02.2019. Start Time: 12:00

    Location: Milton Keynes University Hospital Standing Way, Eaglestone Milton Keynes MK6 5LD

    We are very excited to announce our February Virtual Run Challenge! Either Run, Walk, Cycle or Scoot 5k either all in one go, or across the month of February!

    Every participant will receive a wonderful rainbow medal which will be posted directly to you!

    Get the whole family involved!
    Grown ups - £10 each
    Children (under 16) - £5 each

    To enter just pay the relevant amount directly to our Just Giving page stating your name and the words Virtual Run Entry by 20th February 2019.


    Email us your postal address for medals to helenandannavlm2019@outlook.com
    along with proof of your 5k, which could be anything as simple as a photo of you out doing the run/walk/cycle/scoot!

    Tag us in any social media posts of you doing the event too!!

    Good luck everyone, and thank you for joining in!

    Love Anna VJ and Helen Miller! X
    The event runs from 12:00pm to 1:00pm on the following dates.
    Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.

    February 1st February 2nd February 3rd February 4th February 5th February 6th February 7th February 8th February 9th February 10th
    View more dates


Neighbourhood loop for Birmingham, West Midlands