• Thomas S @ThomasS Norbiton - 6y

    Event: My Spice Box Remedies

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 19.01.2019. Start Time: 13:00

    Location: Kingston Museum Wheatfield Way Kingston upon Thames KT1 2PS

    Have a go at making some traditional herb and spice remedies

    CHAI (Culture, History and I) will run this workshop inspired by their exhibition 'My Spice Box Remedies' (December 7 2018 to March 16 2019, Kingston Museum Art Gallery).

    Free. Booking on Eventbrite necessary. Suitable for adults.
    Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund

    Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/my-spice-box-remedies-winter-home-remedies-tickets-54752411938?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR0ksEUuklxa60U1VCyRyqqWTdY0delnT5CEoPpgppr9DR8wwWgNkAr8wwQ


Neighbourhood loop for Norbiton, Greater London