• JustineC @JustineC Burgess Hill - updated 7y

    Mid Sussex Friends of Safe Haven for Donkeys (Charity No. 1083468)


    I am a volunteer marketing assistant for the Mid Sussex Friends of Safe Haven for Donkeys.

    We are a local group based in Mid Sussex who support the charity Safe Haven for Donkeys . This informal, friendly group help fundraise by holding stalls at local events such as Lindfield Village Day, the RSPCA open day, hold a Quiz Night and much more. We meet on a regular basis and always looking for volunteers to help & promote any of the fundraising we do. We are always happy to welcome new members & always open to suggestions for any future events.

    Safe Haven for Donkeys in the Holy Land has a donkey sanctuary near the Israeli town of Netanya, currently home to around 220 unwanted and abused animals. In addition, Safe Haven provides free veterinary treatment to hundreds of working donkeys, mules and horses each month in the Palestinian Territories and advice and support to the owners who rely totally on their animals.

    If you would like more details or would be interested in joining the Mid Sussex Friends Group please contact - donkeyfriends@aol.com or visit our facebook page -

    The charity contact is -

    Thank you x

Burgess Hill

Neighbourhood loop for Burgess Hill, West Sussex