• Mya P @MyaP Stockwell - updated 5y

    Live Unplugged

    Unplug--there are many, many things around the house that are plugged in and draining little bits of energy round the clock, without even being "on"--i.e., your TV/VCR/Stereo/DVD player, computer, microwave, battery charger, anything else with a constant display (clock) or some sort of programming that resets when the power goes out. Unplug them until you are ready to use them and forego the convenience of the programming if possible, or use a power strip and turn it off, thus "unplugging" many things at the flick of a switch (great for the entertainment center).
    Read more at https://www.beliefnet.com/inspiration/2006/04/saving-the-planet-one-idea-at-a-time.aspx#15XLqAjFKgttdGrZ.99

Save The Planet

This planet is dying and we are all acting too slowly. Thoughts, debates & suggestions on how we can act FAST and attempt to save the planet. No business posts or posts unrelated to saving the planet will be accepted and posters will be removed from the loop.