• James C @SuperFunGuy Leaves Green - updated 5mo

    'Little' musical artists quiz

    A musical-based quiz for the musical loop. Each of the following songs was recorded by an artist whose name begins with the word ‘Little’. How many can you guess?

    1. Ooh my Soul 1958 -

    2. Those Oldies but Goodies 1961 –

    3. Tweedle Dee 1973 -

    4. Fingertips 1965 -

    5. Tears on my Pillow 1958 -

    6. The Locomotion 1962 -

    7. May the Bird of Paradise Fly up your Nose 1965 -

    8. I will Follow him 1963 -

    9. Black Magic 2015 -

Musicians, singers, songwriters, classic albums

Scooploop Members who want to listen, share or just talk music from the latest style to the old classic albums

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