• Loulla G @LoullaG Twickenham - updated 5y

    Event: Join in Community Singing for Beginners and Others

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 29.02.2020. Start Time: 11:15

    End Date: 04.04.2020. End Time: 12:15

    Location: Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road

    Community Choir for adults - based at the Whitton Community Centre.
    Open to all people over 18 years of age (or over 16 if in employment or apprenticeship).

    This coming Saturday (22/02) is our half term break then, for this term, we start up again on Saturday 29th February and every Saturday until 4th April.

    Come for a free trial session on any Saturday from 11 January 11.15-12.15 Sing some great songs, look after your physical and mental health and make new friends too.


Neighbourhood loop for Twickenham, Greater London