• EmilyD @Emily Scotforth - 5y

    Event: Lancaster BID Breakfast - January 2020

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 23.01.2020. Start Time: 08:00

    Location: Royal Kings Arms Hotel

    Book now for the next Lancaster BID Breakfast - FREE of charge for businesses in the city centre.

    After the success of our 1st BID Breakfast in October we are holding another one on January 23rd on the topic of Anti-Social Behaviour.

    From feedback we have received we realise that this is becoming a big issue across the city with issues coming under the ASB banner of: Shoplifting, begging, homelessness, drinking on the streets, sleeping bags in doorways, unpleasant behaviour, etc etc

    Our aim with this event is to try and get all parties “singing off the same hymn sheet” and also understand the challenges from different perspectives. We have partnered The Police and Crime Commission to put this event on and we felt the best way of getting the most out of it was to do a “Question Time” style event.


Neighbourhood loop for Scotforth, Lancashire