• ML @ML1 Tolworth - 6y

    Event: Kingston Upon Thames Book Club Meetup - A New Earth by Echart Tolle

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 09.02.2019. Start Time: 15:00

    Location: Kingston Library

    Who should join? Everyone who loves reading..Everyone who wants to be motivated to read more...Or anyone who wants to spend good time learning and socialising with others!

    What will we do together? Every month we will read a book and meet to discuss about it. The book will be nominated each time by a different member. At the start of each meeting that member will explain why s/he chose the book and how it makes her/him feel, then the rest will join the discussion about their experience reading it.

    What kind of books will we be discussing? Anything! Fiction or non-fiction but it is preferable that the chosen book has a message to learn from.

    The link below will take you to the meetup page with more details about the group


Neighbourhood loop for Tolworth, Greater London