Event: FREE Online Q&A Session on Anxiety, Stress, OCD, PTSD, C-PTSD and Trauma
Start Date: 26.06.2020. Start Time: 14:30
Location: Leeds
The unprecedented challenges that we face today require greater solidarity and collaboration to limit the negative psychological impacts of COVID-19 on our collective mental wellbeing, especially regarding those who have pre-existing mental health challenges . We do know that the intense fear and anxiety that this virus has generated is feeding directly into our survival and anxiety circuitries in the brain, escalating our overall somatic symptoms of stress, OCD, PTSD, trauma and anxiety.
The purpose of this Q&A session is to provide extra clarity, insights and understanding regarding the mental health questions that you have, pertaining to yourself or your loved ones. This session also promises to inspire and encourge you by listening to others' questions and finding out how they are getting along with the struggles that they face. Together we can strengthen our mental and emotional resiliency towards greater mental wellness at these very difficult times.