• Sarah @Sarah10 Clapham - updated 5y

    Equip your kids with the essential 21st century skill - coding!

    Hi Super Mums!
    MAMA.codes is running a great little coding group on Thursdays (4.15 - 5pm) at a private home on Clapham Common Northside.
    There are a few more spots available in this group. No previous coding experience needed.
    Why not book a low-cost trial class to see what it's all about?

    MAMA.codes run creative code clubs for children aged 4-8 years old by introducing coding through song, rhyme and storytelling using the app ScratchJr. Through following a special curriculum of coding projects, children of all backgrounds and learning styles are able to learn to code creatively with confidence.

    Find out more here: https://kiddiplan.com/activities/educational/group-home-tutoring/private-home-4

    Any questions, please contact me.

Super Mums

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