• guy @Guy Earlsfield - updated 5y

    DELIGHTED that a confirmatory referendum on ANY Brexit deal was the popular of the indicative votes

    I'm sure many of you will have taken comfort from the results from Parliament last night. While there was no consensus for anything, it's enormously encouraging that putting any deal agreed by Parliament to the people (Beckett one) received the greatest support.

    There also appear to be many on this site who don't understand the significance of the events of last week. Whatever the bleating of the naysayers, there are robust protocols in place to ensure petitions cannot be gamed, and Donald Tusk quite rightly said that the 6m who signed the petition to revoke article 50 cannot be betrayed. I went on the march with 1m others too, which was an amazing atmosphere of determination and resolve and could not have been better timed. 90% of all the polls carried out over the last 18 months show a significant shift to remain, with the latest showing 55/45%. Keep fighting everyone, our MPs from across the political spectrum in SW London are fighting on our behalves too - Marsha de Cordova, Dr Rosena Alin-Khan, Justine Greening and Vince Cable in Battersea, Tooting, Putney and Twickenham. Put a remain poster or EU flag in your front window, keep exposing the lies of the leave campaign on your social media, keep sharing the petition. We are WINNING and I'm more optimistic than at any other time since the criminally procured EU ref result. A vote is coming, bring it on!


Neighbourhood loop for Earlsfield, Greater London