• Derek R @DerekR Mod Iver Heath - 1mo

    Crime prevention Advice - Taken from Nextdoor

    Crime prevention Advice

    Burglars will use a variety of ways to avoid being noticed.

    Keep it visible - Lower fences allow for a clear view over the top and don’t provide cover for anyone wishing to hide. At the rear and sides, taller fences are recommended to prevent easy access.

    CCTV – Position your cameras where they are best able to obtain good quality facial images. Could you recognise or identify someone from the footage?

    Alarms – Consider accredited burglar alarm system with audible boxes.

    The burglars have been known to use ladders to access upper windows that appear to be unlocked. This is to avoid the intruder alarm sensor on the lower floor.
    To protect your property from this approach, you should extend any alarm sensor coverage to upper rooms.

    Distraction burglars pretend to be someone they are not in order to get in your home. Common methods they use:

    Pretending to be from care agency, the council or utility company investigating gas or water leak.

    Seeking help to leave a note for neighbour or even asking for drink of water if they claim to be thirsty or unwell.

    Claiming to be in a hurry or emergency and needing to get in to your home quickly
    Working in teams, with one person distracting you while the other searches your home.

    How to prevent it?
    Use your door viewer to see who’s there.

    If you open the door put the chain on first.

    Always ask for ID and check it with the company before letting somebody in to your home.

    Call the customer service department if they are pretending to be from utility company and close the door while you are doing this.

    If you feel at all unsure, schedule a time for the caller to come back when a friend or relative is there.

    If you feel threatened or in danger by the presence of the caller, call 999.

    If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: sntwamailbox-.eastcote@met.police.uk

    Dewayne Hamilton
    police constable
    Email: sntwamailbox-.eastcote@met.police.uk

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