• Joss @Joss Malden - updated 4mo

    Choices, not chance.

    "This is now a race between an old man people don’t like and a woman they don’t really know.

    And the old man is spending more time reminding people why they dislike him than telling people who his opponent really is.

    Politics isn’t that hard.

    Managing Donald Trump is impossible.

    Having the right fight amongst themselves while Democrats unite is not a recipe for winning.

    The single message from Trump for the next ninety days needs to be MAGA stands for Make Affordable (Great)(Groceries)(Gas)(Goods) Again. The clock is ticking and a winnable race is slipping away through choices, not chance."

    Article Source
    "Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory"
    Erick-Woods Erickson

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