• Dmitriy @Dmitriy Earlsfield - updated 6y

    Best before dates removal on produce. Thoughts aloud...

    This morning I've seen a headline on BBC about Tesco scrapping BB dates on some of their produce. The rationale behind it is of course to cut food waste on something that is perfectly edible long after that date. I don't shop at Tesco but is a frequent visitor to Lidl and have observed some of the side effects of this BB date removal. Firstly, prices have not dropped on produce that is now without a best before date, however too often once the produce is taken home and opened up multiple items are found to be already rotting. Taking it back to the shop is a chore and if I don't plan a trip soon the produce would properly decompose in 2-3 days.
    Packaging has remained plastic with plentiful prints to obscure inspection of produce.
    It now seems to me that a brilliant idea (as it seemed) is now a formula to bump up retailer profits.
    Maybe shops need to keep BBDs but once those passed loosen up the produce to allow hand selection?
    Has anyone else encountered issue or has other suggestions?


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