Business Post

  • Arbico Computers Ltd Abbey Wood - 4y

    Best 4K Pc Setup

    This build has all the specifications, and although it is definitely a VR-enabled PC, it does not quite meet the requirements of Oculus Rift. This system doesn’t have quite the same performance as the $2,000– $1,750 build listed above, but the GPU will still give you a ton of performance. MSI offers an award-winning motherboard lineup that includes the latest Intel Core i7 – 6700 K, AMD Radeon R9 290X, and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 and promises to provide the best motherboard to build this outstanding PC. This build has a 2.5-inch display with a 1080p display and a 1.920 x 1.920 resolution display in the building center.Read more... #4kpcsetup