• Ethan @Ethan Middlesbrough - 5y

    Event: ASSIST: Middlesbrough

    This event has already taken place.

    Start Date: 06.02.2020. Start Time: 09:30

    Location: The Fork In The Road

    Our informal morning gatherings are a chance to take time away from your desk, perhaps from the isolation of homeworking or the need to collect your thoughts and bounce ideas with other business owners taking time out of the a busy bustling office. On a positive note you meet other businesswomen and can 'talk business', may be you are looking for new contracts or need a product or service and looking for some recomendations, we like to encourage the 'trade local' ideology.

    Why not use this time to arrange a short first meeting with someone over a coffee? You will have the added benefit of you both using your time to also meet other potential leads. You could make this your monthly business 'time out' and use this space as a sounding board as you build your trusting relationships.

    More info: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/assist-middlesbrough-tickets-83196590241?aff=ebdssbcitybrowse


Neighbourhood loop for Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire