A + B WORD GAMES Feb 24th
Below are nine letters - from those nine make as many words as you can of four letters or more:-
"O" MUST appear in every word.
V N O R A I T N are the other 8 letters you can use.
Tip - put the eight letters in a circle round the "O".
There is definitely a nine letter word to be found!.
32 words = word genius
OVERALL TARGET 41 ....Word Perfect!
*** Please enter one word IN TURN with other players.
Definitions of unusual words are most welcome!
[ nouns, adjectives etc no proper words, but see the other game below ]
Update will appear as and when, but game will probably close in 3-4 days.
Using same word wheel above name any person, character, country, river...anything interesting you can conjure out of the letters, with definitions please where necessary! Must be 4 letters or more.
The updates will sort the A's from the B's !!