My neighbour's cat keeps running into my house and jumping on the furniture when I open the back door to go into the garden. I don’t dislike cats but I am allergic so it’s not ideal to have him in the house. Can anyone give any advice about what I can do to prevent him from running in? Nothing cruel as I don’t want to hurt him and definitely don't want to upset the neighbours.

Neighbourhood loop for Norbury, Greater London
Open Loop 171
LAST TWO DAYS - Painted Love @ Sprout Arts
Brighten up this wintry day with a visit to Sprout Community Arts. ‘Painted Love’ PopUp shop has up-cycled furniture, handmade lampshades, cushions & lampshades. Open 9.30am-5pm Today & 10am-5pm tomorrow Saturday 3rd March.
Sprout Arts 74 Moyser Road, Furzedown, SW16 6SQ
Follow @sproutarts -
Owen Calvert 'MONO' @ Sprout Arts - 6th to 17th February 2018
At Sprout Arts we aim to show a diverse range of artwork and following the natural world of the Chestnut Avenue exhibition we are delighted to have Owen Calvert showing, for the first time at Sprout Arts, his collection of black and white photographs that explore how architecture and the urban landscape have an impact on the human psyche. From the foreboding and uncompromising concrete forms of Brutalism (notably the Barbican Estate and the National Theatre) to the mesmerising textures of England's architectural landmarks (Tate Modern and the Bull Ring), architecture shapes and defines the urban environment. Whilst these structures evoke a sense of sublimity within the city, they cannot help but remind us of our insignificance as we dwell and linger inside the metropolis.
The photographs in MONO. evoke the sense of isolation, showing shadowy and solitary individuals that become marginalised by the overpowering concrete in a clustered and chaotic urban environment.
Opening times 11 - 5pm Tuesday - Saturday.
The exhibition opens 6th February and will continue to run until Saturday 17th February.
Sprout Arts Team x
74 Moyser Road Furzedown SW16 6SQ
Follow @sproutarts -
Hi! Can anyone recommend a carpet cleaning company? I've got a stain I can't get rid of. Thank you!
Talking Tots provides fun, interactive classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers to help develop language and communication skills, as well as social confidence. Designed by experts, classes are for babies from 4 months right up to 4 years. 9.30-11.30
Please contact Laura on 07549 296995
At The Living Room 19 Thrale Road -
Sewing classes for children SewFurzedown is running an afterschool sewing club for 7-12 year olds on Tuesdays 4-5pm. It will run for 6 weeks from 16th Jan 2018 to 6th of March (except 30th Jan and 13th Feb). It will involve some hand and machine sewing. All materials provided. Cost: £42 for 6 sessions (£7 per session if booked in block/£8 drop in). Please contact Alison for more details or to book a place. Mobile: 07824 715917 Email:
'That Old Chestnut' @ Sprout Arts
To launch our 2018 calendar we are delighted to support 'That Old Chestnut', a celebration of Chestnut Avenue!
Opening Tuesday 23rd January and running to Saturday 3rd February 2018
This is a community project , a collaboration jam packed with work from all ages across our community; a true visual celebration of how we would like to remember the avenue of trees through drawings, paintings, photography, prints, 3d, sculpture, colouring sheets, sketchbooks, cards, a short film and more!
Best Wishes,
Sprout Arts Team x
74 Moyser Road SW16 6SQ
Opening Times: Tuesday - Saturday 11am to 5pm -
Date: 05.01.2018. Time: 09:15
Every Friday 9.15-10.30am Community yoga session – combining dynamic stretching, a moving flow and a restorative finish to leave you revived and re... -
Looking for P/T Work or a Regular Cleaner!
Hi Guys! We are hiring locally! So If you are looking for P/T work paid in cash on the day and want to work in between the school run give us a call! Alternatively if you are looking to hire a cleaner on a regular basis please ring us today and we arrange this for you!
Sprout Arts is jam-packed with gifts and treats!
The last few days of the Sprout Christmas Market - We are closing on Saturday 23rd December at 1.00pm - so still time to do your shopping and support local artists and crafters. if you want to do all your Christmas shopping locally this year.
Many of our artists and designers have managed to replenish their stock so the market is jam-packed with gifts and treats.
We have original artwork and prints, candles, soap & bath products, chocolates, Christmas puddings & preserves, jewellery & hair accessories, scarves & snoods, ceramics, cushions & baskets, wash bags & makeup bags, lavender bags & runners, tea towels & tote bags, decoupage & clocks, novelty aprons, cookbooks, jigsaw puzzles, kids and family games and novelty 'slime', snowman soup, cards, notebooks, sketchbooks, colouring in books & Christmas decorations and more....!
All artists donate a percentage of their sales to Sprout as this is our main fundraiser of the year so every item you buy helps to support us and keep Sprout Arts open throughout the year.
Opening times: Every day 9.30 to 5.30
last day Saturday 23rd December 1pm
Sprout Arts, 74 Moyser Road, furzedown, SW16 6SQ
Follow @sproutarts -
New small venue for hire for parties, classes, workshops, meetings etc
If you are hosting a lunch, dinner or party but don't want-or can't have it at home The Living Room may be ideal. It is a brand new, small scale, cozy little venue spread over two floors with a kitchen downstairs, ideal for warning up food or to separate the noisy teens from the seniors. We have a few days available in December including Christmas day.
Do look at our online gallery to see recent pictures and at the calendar for availability.
We are now taking bookings for 2018. Spaces are filling up, do reserve your slot now if you require a room for meetings, workshops, courses etc
We live close by so can show you round at a time to suit you. 020 8696 9680
19 Thrale Road SW16 1QL , round the corner from the Furzedown pub. -
Sprout Arts Christmas Market (Edited)
Date: 09.12.2017. Time: 09:30
Location: Sprout Arts
The 7th Sprout Christmas Market is not far off now and we have an amazing array of goodies to tempt you this year! This year there will be over 30 ... -
Glass replacement for glazed door
Hey! One of the window panels on my fully glazed kitchen door smashed. Just wondering if anyone knows whether it can be replaced and by who. I don't really want to buy a whole new door when the rest of it is still intact.
Limited Edition Prints @ Sprout Arts, (Edited)
Date: 29.11.2017. Time: 11:00
Location: Sprout Arts, 74 Moyser Road, Furzedown, SW16 6SQ
FINAL WEEK!! Open daily 11am to 5pm Tuesday to Saturday 2nd December 2017 There is a diverse collection of limited edition prints on show which cel... -
Hi everyone! I'm looking for some local charities to donate to and volunteer for. I occasionally volunteer for larger national charities (fundraising etc.) but I'm now looking to spend some time with an organisation closer to home and perhaps a little less recognised. Hoping some of you lovely people can give me some ideas! Thanks, Jennifer
professional french tutor for l4 year boy required as soon as possible please - can you help
Laptop Usage Rules for children (Edited)
Rule #1 - I will never be mean to anyone. Ever.
You are not a mean person so we don't really need to explain this one. But just in case, let's be clear that making fun of someone, and making them feel sad is never acceptable.
This is really important when you are using email or iMessage. This is because something you might say as a joke to a friend when they are actually with you can sometimes seem mean when it's written down - even if you didn't intend it that way. This can cause misunderstandings and even lead to a lost friend.
If you are mean to someone, we will ban all screens for at least one week.
Rule #2 - I will never share any personal information with anyone online.
There is never any need to give your phone number or address to anyone or any web site. If you are asked for this information, it could be a criminal who is trying to scam you. If you are ever asked to do so, you must alert me or Mum immediately.
If we find you have shared personal information online without first agreeing it with us, we will ban all screens for one week.
Rule #3 - I will not respond to any messages that are mean or make me feel uncomfortable. It’s not my fault if I get a message like that and I’ll you straight away if I do.
If someone is being mean it is usually best not to try and fight back. If you ever see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried then leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to, and tell us immediately. We will be able to help.
If we find you are getting upset about something happening online but not talking to us about it we will discuss a suitable ban of screens.
Rule #4 - I will use my laptop or iPod touch for a maximum of one and a half hours a day.
Screens can be addictive - you can quickly end up spending much longer than you planned on them. That's not good: it means you have less time to do other important things we know you love, like playing with your brother and sister, drawing, writing or reading.
If we find you are spending longer than this on screens, we will ban all screens for one day. If it keeps happening, we will ban you for longer.
Rule #5 - Looking at my laptop or iPod will never be the last thing I do before sleeping.
Evidence shows that if you are looking at a computer, tablet or smartphone just before bed, you will find it more difficult to sleep – see if you want to learn more. You need your sleep so you can perform well as school and in the sports you love. Instead, think about reading a book, drawing, or just having a chat with me, Mum, Ash or Euan.
If we find you are breaking this rule we will ban all screens for one day. If it keeps happening, we will ban you for longer. We may also ban you from using your laptop in your bedroom.
Rule #6 - I will not download apps or software without asking first.
Sometimes downloading apps or software can infect your laptop with a virus. This will break it and may mean it can't be fixed. We don't want that to happen. If there is something you'd like to download then ask us and we will decide with you if it is safe and appropriate to do so.
If we find you are breaking this rule we will ban all screens for one day. If it keeps happening, we will ban you for longer.
Rule #7 - I will not post pictures or videos of myself online
Once you put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it. It’s not just yours anymore. If you want to share a picture or video (e.g. using iMessage on your iPod) make sure you know the person and it’s not a picture that would embarrass you if they showed someone else.
If you post pictures or video online we will ban all screens for at least one week.
Rule #8 - I will not join social networks like Snapchat or Facebook
You are not yet old enough to do this. We want to keep you safe and away from some of the silly or nasty stuff that sometimes happens on social networks. There will be a time when you are allowed, but it is not yet.
If you join a social network, we will ban all screens for at least one week.
Rule #9 - I will not change the password on the laptop without telling you first.
You may forget what you changed it to and get locked out. We also need to be able to check your laptop occasionally to make sure you are staying safe.
If you change the password without telling us first, we will ban all screens for one day. If it keeps happening, we will ban you for longer.
Rule #10 - If your brother or sister asks to use your laptop (e.g. for schoolwork) then you should agree a time when she can do that.
Your brother or sister might not get his/her own laptop until he/she is older, so there may be times when we ask you to share yours with him/her.
If we don’t think you’re sharing fairly, we will ban you from your laptop for two days.
Rule #11 - I will not buy anything online or register for shopping sites.
The law does not let you use cards online until you are at least 16. There is a danger that you could lose thousands of pounds to a scammer if you did. If you want to buy something, you must ask us first and we will decide with you if it's appropriate. We will review this when you are 16.
If you purchase something online we will ban you from all screens for at least a week.
Courtesy of Garth Thomas (Capella PR) -
Hi everyone. Bit of an odd request – I’m looking for someone to do calligraphy for some special invitations. Has anyone used one they can recommend? And do you think it was worth the cost? Thank you!
Hello everyone, we are looking for a caterer for our wedding next summer! Please do get in touch if you can recommend anyone. Thank you :)