Today I had 3 of the "Your amazon account..." spamming calls each of which I just dropped as soon as I heard amazon, these were all on the LL phone. On reflection I wonder if I should just let them ramble on (as the caller pays the cost of the call) even to the point of giving random numbers should they ask for bank/account details. I'm looking for maximum bu***rance factor. Any thoughts

Neighbourhood loop for Funtley, Hampshire
Open Loop 24
I have a large DIY container in my greenhouse in which I grow tomatoes. each year I use the earth from the container to repot my dahlias then I top up the container with a new bag of compost. I bought a couple of bags from B&Q a couple of weeks ago and they've just sat in a corner of the greenhouse. Today I cut one open and was slightly surprised when a waft of warm damp air came out but just up ended the bag into the container. Then a diminutive mouse shrugged out of the mound and ran off pausing at the edge of the container where we had a short staring contest then as I moved It ran off into the greenhouse jumble. I just hope it's a male
Recent junk adverts on Scooploop with absolutely NO relevance to the Fareham area, including:
Get Apartments on Blackpool, Promenade at the desired rate
JK Gardening Services offers fencing and garden design in Kent
Are you looking for budget Headstones in Glasgow
Scooploop moderators / owners get your act together or I shall be leaving very soon -
This week I queued for 30 minutes outside stores/shops waiting to get in. Just imagine what it would've been like if we had the dank wet weather we had in February
on an aside, why do so many people seem to think that social distancing means no talking in queues.
Happy w/e all -
My cooker & worktops are looking very tired so I'm thinking of replacing the worktop and ditching the cooker. I haven't used the cooker for about 6 years since I bought a combi microwave/IR oven/grill but I do need the hob. Currently my hob is gas, I'm considering an electric / induction but am a little concerned about house heating. A couple of years ago my heating boiler died and I kept warm by having a hob constantly on low, I also like to think this is a good heating backup if we have a power cut. So the question is what hob should I go for? Gas, electric, electric IR or electric induction. I do like the safety aspect of the induction hobs and space is very limited so one of each isn't on.
ok so now we have the Co-op closing, McColls closing and Lloyds also closing that means all the external ATMs are also closing. If you don't even have a paper shop how can any of the other shops (charity excluded) survive.
I guess the best bet now is to turn it into a car park for the train commuters -
Had 3 LL calls today, each had a recorded voice "Your bank account has been compromised and £600 taken out, press one to continue"
I just put the phone down and checked my bank accounts using my mobile apps - all was ok. I guess if I pressed 1 they would pressurise me to give my bank details. HUH as if! -
Driving past this today and I think I saw a sign saying the site is up for auction, didn't manage to get the auctioneers name tho. I did hear a whisper years ago that there was a covenant on the site that after MoD use it should be returned to agricultural use with no buildings with the exception of the old ASWE restaurant building. I'll not hold my breath tho & I bet some developer tries to make a housing estate out of it.
Hi folk, please bear in mind that I'm a simple bloke! I have net curtains that always look brown and seedy when compared to my neighbours. I've washed them (really hot & cool) and I've added some special net washing tablets to the washing machine. All to no avail, as soon as I put them up and stand outside they look tired. Help! I've searched the web for 'day glow white nets' but haven't had any joy so what am I doing wrong?
Looking for people to join me for Sunday lunch in various local places once a fortnight.