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  • First Class Coders Wallington - 4y

    Free online coding trial class for children ages 4+

    *Free* Online Trial Coding Classes for Children ages 4-9 years. Not sure how to occupy your child's time during lockdown 3 and the cold, wet weather? Hi Grown Ups, As you may know learning to code is a fun way to help children develop cognitive abilities such as perception, logical thinking and visual processing sooner than their peers. This leads to better critical thinking and problem-solving abilities as well as understanding mathematics. Share the fun, Share the experience Do you know any like-minded parents, whose child would enjoy a fun, creative and educational learning experience? We are delivering Free online trial coding classes for children ages 4-10 years on Wednesday Jan 13th Why not join us for a FREE trial online coding classes. Still not sure? Have a read of Kate's feedback, her son, Thomas came to a trial coding class last week. "Thanks for your email: Thomas loved his taster lesson yesterday: he insisted on doing his homework straight after the lesson, on re-teaching to his dad what he’d learned during the lesson at bedtime, and then this morning he asked me if he could “do more coding” and played around on the app for about an hour, making a new project with lots of wild and wonderful characters and each one with a line of code: I thought he might have forgotten some of the lesson content, but he played on the app entirely independently and didn’t ask for my help once. In other words, it was a far bigger hit than I could have anticipated, so thank you!" Looking forward to seeing you #PlayCodeGrow with us! Kindest regards, Marsha Fisher 07944 676 239 I: 1stClass_Coders T: @1stClass_Coders #PlayCodeGrow First Class Coders Ltd