Business Post

  • Cleaning World Pty Limited North Wollongong - 1y

    Agar Graffiti Remover 1L

    What is Graffiti Remover?

    Odour-free product that willdissolve paint, ink and other graffiti from metal, fibreglass,concrete and carpeted surfaces. Non-caustic.

    Product Use

    GRAFFITI REMOVER quickly and thoroughlydissolves aerosol paint, felt-tipped pen ink, ballpoint pen ink and other graffiti from metal, fibreglass, concrete, brickwork and even carpeted surfaces. It is ideal for use in railway carriages, on walls and
    brickwork, and all other surfaces subjected to graffiti.

    Product Type

    GRAFFITI REMOVER is a powerful solvent-type paint and ink removal agent. It is water-emulsifiable so it can be rinsed away effectively with water. It is a low odour liquid with outstanding performance and it is a thickened liquid so it will “cling” to vertical surfaces. GRAFFITI REMOVER will not leave unwanted chemical odours after being used. It is not classified as Dangerous Goods.

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